Session 35

 Whilst Sarge and Crow (still disguised as Phineas) go in throw the front door Mejest goes in throw the concealed side door. 

  • Mejest sneaks around the kitchen checking out three food store rooms at one end, he sees a man negotiating for a silver plate he has gotten from somewhere (he is paid a silver shilling) The man he trades it too (later identified as Jurgen takes it through a locked door and Mejest sneaks open to the door, unpicks it and follows him down the stairs on the other side.

  • At the bottom of the stairs is a tunnel that must go under the street in front of the purse and likely under the building on the other side. Beyond the cells is rubble blocking any other way out. In the cells are a collection of objects and money that Mejest believes belong to a thieves guild. The man he followed throws the plate into one of the cells. He then turns to go back up the corridor past Mejest. Unfortunately he notices Mejests and is surprised by the golden gem encrusted clockwork, Mejest puts him down.

  • Mejest finds 9GC of small valuables that he can stuff into his pockets and carry with him out the Glided purse. He also finds a chameleon sword that changes to mimic the colours of whatever it is placed upon.

  • The man who traded in the plate comes to investigate the noise leaving his 4 companions playing cards. He calls out for Jurgen but without an answer he enters the corridor and is killed by Mejest. Mejest hides both bodies in the treasury

  • Upstairs Sarge undercover as "General Sarge " and Phineas partake of the hospitality. Crow particularly enjoys the beautiful company  the wine and the food. Sarge puts in a order for more meat that has suffered (downstairs in the kitchen Mejest sees a plate of rabbits and birds with decorative tortured expressions taken up on a silver tray.

  • General Sarge talks to the orc bartender Crush in Dark Speech and find him polite and deferent. He recommends a good whisky.

  • Lady Dalliance, wrapped in a gold fabric toga with a long trail and sporting long curled golden locks comes to meet her new customers. Sarge suggests he has dark appetites to fulfil. Lady Dalliance does not even flinch. She suggests Sarge join her upstairs and begins leading him by the hand.

  • Mejest sneaks out of the corridor to the stash and heads into the next door room. He find cells holding drugged and desperate people. He releases Felix a Grievings man who has agreed to being held by Quick for some unknown purpose in return for the his wife and daughters safety and the clearing of his debt. Mejest also releases a 14 and 15 year old boy and girl.

  • Mejest and Felix try to sneak out with the children but are spotted by the large cleaver wilding cook. Mejest uses his warm key to snuff out all the lights in  a 10 yards radius this happens in a sphere and the lights upstairs also go out. But the blackness creates confusion and Felix, the children and Mejest are able to escape into the alley. 

  • Upstairs Sarge is about to be led into a plushily appointed red velvet guest chamber on the 1st floor, but as he is about to enter all the lights go out of flicker and he realises Mejest is in Trouble with a shot to Crow he runs for the front door, crow close on his heals.

  • As Sarge and Crow leave they see Mejest emerging from the alley to the side of the Gilded Purse his escape blocked by two thugs. Sarge and Crow go to help but Mejest puts them down with lethal rapier strikes. The Grievings girl he rescued gives him an encouraging shout as Quick's men crumple.

  • As they run off into the alley way's of Greiving the crew shout to each other about what they found out. Mejest says there is no demon cult, Crow thinks lady dalliance might be a Changeling or worker of illusion magic.