Session 39

Loren takes the lead in dealing with strange inheritors. Lorne allows the leader to hold his spear and they demonstrate some moves with it. In return the leader allows Lorne to inspect her shard glass knife. From the markings on the blade he can see that it is very old, the handle has been replaced, perhaps several times, the markings on the blade belong to many generations of a the Banchar family line.


After Lorne's diplomatic efforts things warm a little. Val detects great curiosity in the Marauder leader and after the others are introduced and a discussion about the killing of the Rancor, and what the Marauders normally do to those they find in this part of the jungle it is decided that the Maruders will take the crew and Picus back to the Commune where they offer to treat Picus with Fngur.


The Jungle people decide to take the Outsider's and Lorne back to their Cadre to decide what to do with them. Lorne vouches for the Crew of the Longhorn and Picus he will be held responsible for their actions.

The Crew, lead by the hunters/scouts walk single file through the jungle until they reach a river, by this time they have walked all night and the morning mist is starting to lift. Aalya realises the strange wide hats worn by the hunters contain sensor equipment that allows them to move around in the dark.


During the walk back Val talks enthusiastically to the field medic Dalmatz,  He tells them how his people have been denied their rightful home land, the planet Dinoah and how the Outsiders have forced them back, they now stay hidden to survive. Val suggest diplomacy as a solution, Dalmatz says that very occasionally the young of the tribe feel the same as him and they are allowed to leave, they are not heard from again. They also talk to Dalmatz about the dangers of the Jungle. This area seems to have many spore tree patches and Villow  Tail Moss-Palms which are known the Maruders and they offer some protection from discovery by Outsiders. The Rancor also kept the Outsiders out of the area. Val tries to explain to Dalmatz that outsiders are all different. Dalmatz doesn't agree. Lorne mentions RfitCo and the Empire and how they are evil and not all Outsiders are.


Following the river for a while the Crew arrive at an enormous cenote, they are lead down the wide switch back path of steps down to the buildings built of natural materials that clutch the cenote walls like limpets.

The returning hunters are greeted by friends, partners and children. The Crew estimate now more than a few hundred Inheritors live in the Commune. The outsiders are looked on with suspicion.  Lorne sees a tall thin cave at the on the far side of the turquoise lake at the bottom of the cenote. It is an Umbrance.


Bachar and the hunters remove their ghillie suits to reveal their tattooed faces to the Crew.

Sicart, the Cadre's most experienced healer comes, to the meeting place to administer the Fngur. It is different to what Jorus expects. An iridescent almost golden moss that Sicart prepares into a poultice with other mosses to put onto the wound. Jorus learns that the Fngur the Maruders have is different to that he has head of before. It is not the expected sticky sap like liquid and is more potent. After discussion it seems the sap like substance is what happens when the Fngur breaks down. Although he doesn't say anything Val and Jorus draw from Sicart's body language when question that the Fngur comes from the Umbrance some how.

Fngur only speeds the healing, Jorus learns how to properly prepare for the treatment, setting bones and repairing what can be repaired so that the faster healing leaves minimal scars and complications.

The Crew are given the freedom to explore the Commune but must be mindful of any transgressions, Lorne will be held responsible for them, as will the transgressors. 

Lorne asks to enter the Umbance but is told that it is not somewhere people outside the Cadre can go and as an Exhile it is not clear if he should be allowed. Banchar asks him to wait.

The Elders will gather to decide what will be done with the Crew. Whether they will be allowed to leave or not.