Session 42

Picus, dragging his transfuser and draped in a sheet is enthusiastically greeted by MN,  he wanders clearly spaced up up to Val and starts talking to him about a message he sent to his aunt.


The crew get Picus back to the lodger, There is a heated discussion between Val and Picus, Val uncharacteristically ends up slapping Picus when he doesn’t clearly .

Jorus sharpens him up with a stimulant and an isotonic liquid to help with the dehydration.

Picus confirms he sent a message to Val's Aunt and Val decides they need to leave immediately. Picus is stunned with a blaster.


Ursana discusses with the PCs the next move, recommending they leave in the morning instead of wandering through the Jungle at night.  The crew agree and return to the gathering.


At the gathering Aayla shares a story of Endor, Lorne shares tales from his Cadre.


Ursana and Lorne leave the gathering and go to the cenote pool where they talk and Ursana invites Lorne into the Umbrance having earlier cleared it with the Elders.

Lorne experiences the Dinoah Umbrance with Ursana and deep in it's depths he sees patterns of golden light from the moss growing on the walls he equates this with the swirling markings on his own shield.


At the gathering Val partakes of too much of the fermented moss drink and nearly has an altecation with one of the Inheritors after he dances with his sister. The situation is defused by Sicart.


In the predawn light before leaving the Commune Lorne, moved by the signs from the Umbrance gives his shield to Ursana who takes it as a pormise for his return and is  greatly moved by the gesture.


As the crew hike back to their ship

Picus tells the Crew the content of the message he sent to Val's Aunt.

Val tells Lorne and the others what happened to his family. Lorne asks him what he want to do about it.

Picus insists that his Aunt is worried about him and wants to help him and he should make contact with her.

Picus convinces himself he killed the Rancor.


If the PCs want to get back in contact with the Natives they must land the longhorn in the same place, Native patrols will watch the place, and within a few days at most they should make contact.

 The Crew Take Picus to Buallaba and drop him, MN and his equipment off.  

Epilogue Rolls:

Val: Tries to find out information about what is actually happening on Chibivaa, he is moved by Picus's words about his aunt to find out the truth for him self. He starts asking contacts quietly that help him uncover who was behind the attack on him and his parents. He learns little but he confirms that if the ship that attacked the crew at Typhon station is as Bounty Hunter the guild carefully guard the identity of their clients.

Aayla: Sets about repainting the ship so it is no longer identified as the longhorn, it will now be called… well there is some debate

Lorne: TBC

Jorus: Takes time to rest and recover from his time in the jungle.

Minor Milestone Awarded

Session 41

Val introduces the crew with a respectful approach considerate of the Inheritors views.

The elders lay out there views on how what should be done with the crew ranging from death to remaining with the Cadre.


Jorus provides logical arguments for why the crew are not like other outsiders. Aayla attempts to build a bridge of compassion with the Elders by sharing some of her past loss and saying that she is not even from the Rift. This is mixed, in the Inheritors eyes no one is from the Rift.

Lorne brings up the Crimson Cadre and how revenge and the old ways only lead to more blood shed and more hatred and persecution of the inheritors. His point is only partly taken and one of the more extreme elders even suggests working with the Crimson Cadre. The idea the Crew might be able to help the Cadre contact other cadre's is floated.


Val shifts views with his natural rapport, complimented by the bonds he has created in the crafting of his new Rancor cape.


Sicart the healer supports the crew by attacking one of the more extreme elders with logical arguments for leniency and how that would benefit the Cadre.


Lorne says that he will bring back Shardglass to the Cadre and will train them to fight with it he demonstrates his martial prowess overawing the Elders with his shardglass weapons and powerful presence.

The Cadre are pleased with this development and agree to let the Crew go with Lorne to return. Lorne becomes aware that the Cadre are not skilled with shardglass crafting and will need knowledge from outside if they are to put any shard glass he brings to good use, such as to make weapons. He will have to address this somehow as he does not know how to do this himself.


From the back of the crowd there is a murmur, as the crowd parts the Crew see partially naked Picus, trailing his still attached transfuser, "Where's Val? I must speak with Val…"

Session 40

The Crew are given a lodge to rest in, Picus is transferred to the Lodge and left in Jorus's care.


Aayla Jury rigs a burst transmitter using MN's sensor suite that should reach the longhorn and tell LH-0 to come and get them. But it's a short burst and there is no way of getting any confirmation back so they won't know it has worked until the Longhorn arrives.


Val talks to the animal materials crafter Girvaltz and in trade for a timepiece he sets about making a cape form the Rancor skin. Whilst he works Val shares the story of how they killed The Wraith, this earns him some begrudging respect from the Inheritor and his young son. Val also shows his shinny blaster to some Inheritor children and talk to others round the commune as he trades for food to eat back at the lodge, he is at least able to get the Inheritors to Tolerate him. 


Whilst Jorus is watching over Picus, Picus wakes out and franticly urges him to Get Val (not Luca, Val) and proclaims he's gravely wounded and will die. Jorus gives him a sedative a knocks him out. When Val returns to the lodge later Jorus tells him what has happened by Val doesn't elaborate any further fearing his secret would be revealed to the rest of the Crew.


Lorne mediates in front of the Umbrance. After a while he is joined by Ursana Banchar. She tells him about their customs and ways of life and the two share an intimate tattoo reading. Lorne tries to make it clear to Ursana that he has a wife and child and isn't interested but it's not clear if she is dissuaded. Lorne and Ursana discus their relationship to the Bequethers, and Ursana finds it hard to understand what Lorne says about being contacted directly 'hearing' the Begethers, to the Dinoah Cadre they are only a legacy.


Val brings food back to the Lodge and the crew rest until sunset when the Trial will be held. Having returned to the lodge Ursana tells Lorne and the others about the five elders and that all voices can be heard at the council but the elders voices hold the most sway. Ursana says that if the Council can't come to an agreement then there are two other ways the matter might be settled, Trial By Shardglass and Guidance from the Bequethers. She explains how these work. The Crew and Ursana go to the meeting platform, the elders are seated stand in semicircle by the balcony edge looking out over the Cenote, the rest of the Cadre is gathered. Between the two stand the Crew and Ursana who will speak on their behalf.

Session 39

Loren takes the lead in dealing with strange inheritors. Lorne allows the leader to hold his spear and they demonstrate some moves with it. In return the leader allows Lorne to inspect her shard glass knife. From the markings on the blade he can see that it is very old, the handle has been replaced, perhaps several times, the markings on the blade belong to many generations of a the Banchar family line.


After Lorne's diplomatic efforts things warm a little. Val detects great curiosity in the Marauder leader and after the others are introduced and a discussion about the killing of the Rancor, and what the Marauders normally do to those they find in this part of the jungle it is decided that the Maruders will take the crew and Picus back to the Commune where they offer to treat Picus with Fngur.


The Jungle people decide to take the Outsider's and Lorne back to their Cadre to decide what to do with them. Lorne vouches for the Crew of the Longhorn and Picus he will be held responsible for their actions.

The Crew, lead by the hunters/scouts walk single file through the jungle until they reach a river, by this time they have walked all night and the morning mist is starting to lift. Aalya realises the strange wide hats worn by the hunters contain sensor equipment that allows them to move around in the dark.


During the walk back Val talks enthusiastically to the field medic Dalmatz,  He tells them how his people have been denied their rightful home land, the planet Dinoah and how the Outsiders have forced them back, they now stay hidden to survive. Val suggest diplomacy as a solution, Dalmatz says that very occasionally the young of the tribe feel the same as him and they are allowed to leave, they are not heard from again. They also talk to Dalmatz about the dangers of the Jungle. This area seems to have many spore tree patches and Villow  Tail Moss-Palms which are known the Maruders and they offer some protection from discovery by Outsiders. The Rancor also kept the Outsiders out of the area. Val tries to explain to Dalmatz that outsiders are all different. Dalmatz doesn't agree. Lorne mentions RfitCo and the Empire and how they are evil and not all Outsiders are.


Following the river for a while the Crew arrive at an enormous cenote, they are lead down the wide switch back path of steps down to the buildings built of natural materials that clutch the cenote walls like limpets.

The returning hunters are greeted by friends, partners and children. The Crew estimate now more than a few hundred Inheritors live in the Commune. The outsiders are looked on with suspicion.  Lorne sees a tall thin cave at the on the far side of the turquoise lake at the bottom of the cenote. It is an Umbrance.


Bachar and the hunters remove their ghillie suits to reveal their tattooed faces to the Crew.

Sicart, the Cadre's most experienced healer comes, to the meeting place to administer the Fngur. It is different to what Jorus expects. An iridescent almost golden moss that Sicart prepares into a poultice with other mosses to put onto the wound. Jorus learns that the Fngur the Maruders have is different to that he has head of before. It is not the expected sticky sap like liquid and is more potent. After discussion it seems the sap like substance is what happens when the Fngur breaks down. Although he doesn't say anything Val and Jorus draw from Sicart's body language when question that the Fngur comes from the Umbrance some how.

Fngur only speeds the healing, Jorus learns how to properly prepare for the treatment, setting bones and repairing what can be repaired so that the faster healing leaves minimal scars and complications.

The Crew are given the freedom to explore the Commune but must be mindful of any transgressions, Lorne will be held responsible for them, as will the transgressors. 

Lorne asks to enter the Umbance but is told that it is not somewhere people outside the Cadre can go and as an Exhile it is not clear if he should be allowed. Banchar asks him to wait.

The Elders will gather to decide what will be done with the Crew. Whether they will be allowed to leave or not.

Session 38

Whilst Lorne, Aayla and Val tangle with the enormous Rancor bull, Jorus treats the gravely injured Picus Thell, giving equipping him with  make shift mobile transfuser and treating the bruising and swelling around his injuries. He asses that he needs better facilities to treat him but stabilises him.


Aayla and MN get the repulsor sled ready flipping it back the right way up. Whilst Lorne dances a dangerous dance with the giant jungle beast. 


Val takes shot with his overcharged blaster, blinding the creature, burning it's skin and wounding it deeply blasting into it's skull.


Lorne carfully transfers Picus to the sled.


The Rancor is engraged, it swings at Lorne who avoids the attack.


Val fires his blaster rappidly and wildly into the canopy above distracting the creature as it raises it's self to protect it's self from the smoulding falling leaves and brances.


Lorne is grasped by the creature lifted to it's mouth, but the grasp is loose and lorne is able to begin to wrigle free. He stabbes the Rancor it in the mouth with his shard glass spear. The creature lets him go but he hangs onto the spear, and using a tooth for purchase drives it deep into it's throat and into it's brain. The creature gives one final roar and falls back onto the jungle floro with a mighty crash. Lorne is left grasping his spear, triumphent stood upon the dead creature.


Aayla asks MN what is in the crates, one he is told is bait the other food and drink supplies. He concinces MN to unlock the crate and the Crew rest and eat and drink from the supplies crate. There is also a bottle of celebratory alchol that was perhaps intended to be drunk after a succesful hunt.


Aayla realises that MN has been holo-reording the whole thing as part of his hunting support protocols and Jorus decide to give picus what he hopped for, he hopes. And they pose him and the crew for a holo-pic victorius in front of the dead creature, they do their best to obscure Picus's serious injures from the holo and put his helmet on so it's not clear he is unconcious. He is held up by Aayla and Jorus with his Hunting Blaster as a convincing support.


As they make there way back towards the dark through the jungle Aayla here's strange noises she hasn't heard before and she stops to tell the others, she also feels like she is being watched.


As the crew consider making camp and fortifying there position the threat reveals it's self,  a dozen figuers dressed in gilly suits and carrying blaster emerge from camoflasged positons in the jungle some positioned in the branches of Moss Palms, others emerging from thick undergrowth, others lowering from ropes from the canopy above, all armed all aiming. The Crew is surrodned.


Their leader  weaing a gilli cloak covered with local fauna, leggin and wraps that perfectly blend into the jungle with a blaster rifle slung over their solder on a quick release strap, a breather kit on in their chest, a DL-44 blaster pistol in hand, and a faceless mask of over lapping plates like the chittin of some insect lowers them selves from the canopy above. A firm voice says

 "You bear the marks of an exile, but the markings are strange to me,  and I do not recognise your face, Who are you Exile and why do truck with these Colonials?" 

Session 37

The crew of the Longhorn decide to go with Jorus into the Jungle to rescue Picus. Val puts Tsubatchchark in his cage with food before he leaves the ship, the creature falls asleep in short order.

 The Crew venture deep into the Dinoahan jungle, at several points Lorne, Val or Aayla feel like they are being watched. As jungle warms moisture condenses on the moss-palm leaves above and drips down frequently driping on them or getting uncomfortably inside their clothes. The ground is uneven and covered in moss and the ground level foliage is thick slows progress, without any cutting tools they are reliant on MNs limited cutting tools.

 During their hike through the moss-jungle the crew is best by various trials. They nearly wander into a so called death pool. Spotting the spoor filled air and the bones of previous victims, they skirt around it. MN loses Picus's trail but with Jorus's help is able to pick it up again.

 After a gruelling morning of hiking the crew stop to rest and eat the supplies Jorus had the forethought to bring with him from the Longhorn. As they are resting, Aayla catches sight of something low and quick in the underbrush. It turns out to be the same pack of Dinoahan Spine Rapka's from last night that have been hunting them through the Moss-Jungle. The Rapkas trigger their ambush but the Crew and MN manage to fight them off. The Rapka's flee after three of there number are taken down. This time they won't be back.

During the fight Val's fancy cameo outfit is ripped to shreds (only to be repaired by Jorus's needlecraft skills later, and Lorne gets one of the creatures long quills stuck in his flesh, something Jorus also treats before they move on.

 The crew follow MN on and come across another Jungle Hazard, a patch of Villow Tail Moss-Palms, they make it across but Jorus and Aayla are nearly caught but the dangerous barbed vines.

 The Jungle begins to cool as the sun dips, mist starts to hug the jungle floor. MN becomes quitter and seemingly less sure as the crew press on .They follow MN to a dell where a great Moss-Palm has been broken and lies on the jungle floor. MN's repulsor sled lies upside down on one side of the Dell and two of Picus's crates lie scattered 15 and 10 meters further ahead. Aayla remarks that they have been thrown around "as if like something big has been through here". The Crew also notice patches of flattened foliage.  They see a knot in the moss-palm about half way along it's length, MN heads straight towards it. Lorne Sneaks after him, followed by a less stealthy Jorus, Aayla and Val hunker down.

 At the fallen moss palm, Lorne and Jorus can see it is partly hollow, Picus has crawled inside but he is badly wounded, both his legs are broken and he has passed out from blood loss. Jorus also notices the tell tales residue of a scent suppressant spray that would conceal him from wild animals.  Jorus realises that must have come from MN, he asks to be sprayed as well, MN sprays him with the last does, he doesn’t have any more left.

 From the mist on the other side of the Dell a giant albino Rancor emerges it's terrifying roars echoing through the moss-jungle.

Session 36

Lorne walks the perimeter of the camp and does not find any immediate threats but he does find some tracks from a sizable creature with four fingered talons, three facing forward, one back. Aayla takes a look at the ship, and finds green spots of moss on the landing struts of the Longhorn, worrying that this must be the fast growing moss they heard rumours about, she jury-riggs a flamethrower to clear it off in the morning. Lorne returns to the ship to find that Picus has set up a small heat lamp surrounded by logs for seating, MN is in the process of putting up a dome shaped tent and spraying the area of some sort of chemical moss spore cleansing agent (mildly corrosive). Lorne tells Picus about the tracks and he asks to be shown them, Lorne obliges, Picus identifies them as Spine Rapka tracks, he says they are tenacious pack hunters and that is not the one your see that kills you but the two others flanking you, that you don't see, that get you.

 Picus and Lorne return to Picus's camp site. When Lorne asks him if he's going to sleep in the ship he says that "He values being out under the sky and taking in the night air and getting used to the sounds and feel of the jungle. He plans to have one last drink under the night sky before heading out to claim his prize in the morning. He invites the crew to join him, in the end only Jorus and Val (aka Luka) take him up on the offer. Over glasses of some fermented excretion of a sea slug imported across the Galaxy from Mon Cala they talk. Val is concerned that Picus will want to talk further about Chibivaa, and perhaps he does, but Val deftly guides the conversation away from that and Picus spends much of the time talking about hunting, he tells tales of his greatest exploits, he is especially proud of his successful hunt against a Nydak, currently gilded and mounted on the Trophy wall of greatest prizes at the Hunters Consociation, he talks about hunting a Tuga a large cat like Dinoahan jungle predator and says that this trophy from his current hunt will be his greatest success yet out shining other members of the society. The drink loosens Jorus's tongue a little and he talks about hunting storm troopers on Yzar. Although he says it doesn't sound as much fun, Picus confesses that if he felt he had another path in life he wound have most certainly ended up an adventurous starship captain, Jorus and Val aren't so sure. The three toast to Picus's upcoming success in the hunt and then decide to go to bed. Before they do a very tired Tsubatchcark falls asleep on the log Val is sitting on and Val manages to pick up the little fluffy creature and put it in his lap. He feels the beating heart of the small vulnerable creature that like him has been separated from it's parents and must make it's own way in the world.

 Aayla takes first watch, Jorus and Val retire and Val leaves the cargo ramp down as requested by Picus.

Aaylas's watch passes without incident and she is relived by Val. During his watch Val spots four groups of person sized, or larger, life signs making their way towards the ship from the four different directions, in front behind and two the left and right of the ship. They are just outside the range of the ships sensor alarm rigged by Jorus. Val uses the internal tannoy to wake the rest of the crew but Aayla is fast asleep and doesn't wake despite the commotion. Jorus goes to the cargo hold to check on Picus, he can see MN powered down out by the tent , he venters out to the end of the cargo ramp and throws a rock an MN to get his attention. MN powers up and makes startled beeps. Jorus silently conveys to the droid that some sort of threat is closing in. Picus wakes up and opens the tent flap, dressed in jungle camo pyjamas and a lounge robe (also cameo print) he is just about to ask what is going on when two Dinoahan Spine Rapka's flank the tent from both sides. Picus flees to the cargo bay as fast as his slipperd feet will carry him, Lorne who has come to check on Jorus enters the cargo bay with spear and shield in hand, one of the Rapkas chases Picus in to the cargo bay as Jorus smashes the button to close the bay ramp, trapping the Rapka in the bay, but trapping it in with Lorne. Lorne and the Rapka battle, Lorne gets a sold strike with his shard glass spear, the creature makes trilling noises as it attacks trying to get its powerful neck and sharp jaws around the shields whilst clawing with it's small front talons. And one of it's two powerful legs.

 In the Cockpit Val sees something move in the thick underbrush of the jungle floor, he powers up the forward lasers. Aayla finally woken by the sounds of the struggle in the Cargo bay wakes up and rushes to the cockpit.

In the Cargo hold Lorne deflects a blow from the Rapka with his shard glass shield and uses the serrated edge to slam it against the rear cargo bay door. With practiced marshal skill he drives the serrated edge of the shield into the creatures throat killing it. It slides down the cargo bay door bleeding on the metal floor.

In the cockpit Aayla and Lorne see the sensor signals retreat into the thick jungle. Picus asks for MN to be let in and then decides, that actually, yes, perhaps it would be best to sleep in the cabin on the ship. The crew return to watch or to sleep. Jorus gets the last watch. Just before dawn he is joined in the cockpit by Picus who gives him the first half of their payment.  During the predawn light Jorus sees Picus with vibrochete in hand head into the jungle accomponed by MN pulling a small repulsor sled with a couple of equipment crates strapped to it. Now all that remains is to wait for Picus's return.

 During the following day Jorus sits outside in the jungle and enjoys the ambience in comfortable fold out chair.

Lorne and Aayla clear the fast growing Parasitic Moss from the Longhorn. Aayla comes to the realisation that it grows on metalic surfaces and needs treating every four hours or so before it becomes too embedded.

 Val spends the day building rapport with Tsubatchcark and find it likes wires and thin twists of metal that it can use for nest building. He manages to get it to accept food from him as well.

 As dusk falls Picus has not returned. Lorne suggests leaving and forgoing half the pay. The others suggest they should at least wait until morning, and that is what the crew decides to do. They take the same watch pattern as the night before.

 In the early morning several hours before dawn Jorus's watch is interrupted by the alarm he rigged. Checking the sensors he sees a single signal making it's way at a clip towards the ship. He notices the signal is metal.

He sees MN-FR1 outside in the lights of the Longhorn. He goes to the boarding ramp to let the droid aboard. Lowing the ramp and heading out to meet MN Jorus is confronted immediately with frantic panicked beeping. Jorus is soon joined by the rest of the crew. The droid franticly pulls at the leg of Aayla's flight suit with a manipulator arm as if it wants to be followed. Aayla is able to work out what the droid is beeping about: "What's that MN-FR1, your master was brutally mauled by a giant beast?". Jorus immediately goes to get his medpack and gear to head into the Jungle.  

Session 35

Whilst Picus Thel goes off to meet with his contact the crew hit the streets of Nessceen Qassabah and decide to blow off some steam, perhaps with the realities of the their last job praying on their minds, or at least in Vals case being reminded of unpleasant memories of his flight from Chbavaa. The crew decide to take advantage of the Qassabah's vibrant tapcaf culture and get drink, smoke bubbling hookas and take in some live jizz. Val tries to drown his sorrows and then hits on the idea of getting a ships mascot from one of the many animal traders to cheer himself up. The crew, a little worse for ware begin a bar crawl with the aim of finding a suitable new addition to the longhorn crew.

 During the bender Jorus picks up several rumours from locals in the tapcafs and bars:

  • Spirits inhabit the deepest jungle, trappers, hunters and miners have seen them. The jungle come alive. Leave offerings of food or drink at your campsite to appease them.

  • The lumber workers constantly fight with a fast growing moss that covers equipment and can damage it in short order. They use fire, corrosive chemical sprays or electrical shock systems to keep it at bay.

  • The jungle is full of dangers, predators, dangerous plants,

  • Watch out for death pools, areas of the jungle where you can feel your own mortality on your back like a weight if it is too much to carry and you collapse into a deep sleep. One of Dinoah's many predators will be along to eat you in short order. Watch out for pools of bones of sleeping creatures to avoid them.

  • The source of Fngur is unknown, it's found only in small pool on the jungle floor. Rumours persist of a Fngur tree, an apparently mobile moss-palm that moves through the jungle, its leaves and berries rich with the healing oitment. Anyone who discovered it and harvest it would be rich beyond their wildest dreams.

 The crew eventually come to  'K's Dukkan, who has some genuinely unusual creatures including a strange curious black eyed bird that Val takes a liking too. The 'porg' is just what Val wants and they decide to pull together the credits to buy it. Coming out of the shop they run into Picus Thel who know the Gilland Exotic animal trader Kel, the owner of the shop. They also see an angry looking Ewok chained to the front of the shop. It barks and growls at them when the get close. Lorne is incensed. Picus introduces the crew to the Gilland and they negotiate for the porg. Lorne also tries to buy the Ewok but there is a difference of opinion amongst the crew about freeing the clearly angry and troubled creature. He vows to return and free it later.

 The Crew and Picus return to the Longhorn and Picus gives him a set of co-ordinates and the Longhorn flies to a destination deep in the jungles of Dinoah. There is no signs of civilisation nearby including any logging camps the jungle here seems thick and untouched.

 Aayla manages to find a gap in the canopy where a giant moss-palm has fallen and carefully puts the Longhorn on the ground whilst Jorus uses the tractor beam to clear space for the landing.

 To watch out for trouble in the jungle, the sensors on the longhorn have been set by Jorus to, in theory at least, pick up on something large coming near the ship. He's repurposed the ships antitheft systems. Outside lights are also angled and switched on so the someone in the cockpit can get a good view of the visible jungle. They don't set any physical perimeter. The sun begins to dip.

 Picus says he plans to start his hunt at first light the following day.

Session 34

At The Handoff, on Typhon station, Lorne meets with Ganio Gunrun about his star chart, meanwhile Aayla finds the crew a paying job.They are to take Picus Thel, of the Chibavaa city Thels, to Dinoah. First they must take him to meet a contact at Nessceen Qassabah, then on to an undisclosed location in the Jungle where Picus will go hunting. The Longhorn needs to wait for his return, and he will come back with a Trophy. With his trophy acquired (which he assures them will be dead and will fit in the cargo hold) he wants to be taken to Buallaba. Picus suggests that they could take him all the way back to Chibavaa but he wagers that an independent ship won't want to get so close to the seat of RiftCo power.

 Val negotiates that Picus will need to pay them half the money when he leaves the ship to head into the Jungle to go hunting. The other half to be paid on arrival at Buallaba. Picus agrees. 

 Jorus knows a bit about Dinoah, The Jungle Moon is covered in Moss-Jungle. Agents of RiftCo exploit it's natural resources; Rich hunters venture into it's Jungle to hunt exotic animals, Timber and Logging operations scar the jungle  and rare plant and animals are exploited for drug compounds including the rare and extremely expensive Fngur a cure all. Gathered from the jungle floor this slightly mysterious orange sap like substance promotes rapid cell growth and tissue regeneration and it can be prepared into hyposprays, generally it is hard to get hold off and the limited bound for the 1% on Chibavaa. 

 The crew of the Longhorn meet with Picus at their docking bay only to find that he has much more equipment than just the transport cases he had stacked up in the bar. He orders his droid MN to load the gear giving instructions constantly along they way, without loading any himself. Lorne fed up with the delay begins loads the crates himself, despite Picus's objections about the sensitive equipment and supplies in the cargo crates. Eventually they get underway. Val stays in his cover identity of Luca.

 On route to Dinoah Picus gets settled in, he fusses around and generally make a nuisance of himself in a polite, toffy, upper-class, I am your paying customer, sort of way. During the journey he:

  • Spends time drinking and smoking Tabac with Jorus and Val.

  • Plays Jorus at Dejarik but losses. He asks Jorus if Luca (Val's cover identity) has ever been to Chibavaa.

  • Runs the refresher out of hot water.

  • Triggers an altercation between a mouse droid and MN which Aayla has to step in an break up.

  • Conducts target practice in the hold. Lorne and Val stop Picus shooting at target holos of various creatures in the cargo bay, he's calibrating the scopes of his hunting rifles.

  • Convinces Lorne to spar with him, using two of Picus's electro staffs. Lorne soundly beats him giving him a lesson on Inheritor history as he does so. Picus pays him for the painful lesson. Lorne has credits to his name for the first time, RiftCo credits, but credits.

 During the final approach to Dinoah Picus breaks out yet another bottle of spirits and a deck of Sabac cards, Jorus, Picus and Val (still disguised as Luca) play, During the game Picus suggests Jorus could get a job on Chibavaa and even suggests he look him up. Jorus suggests he might when he's ready to retire but there are two many people who need help out on the Frontier. As the game progresses Picus beging to talk about recent events on Chibavaa, he talks about a home invasion on the Vander-Dak'win family. "A terrible thing, terrible thing… what happened to those Vander Dak'wins. Felistia (Val's Mother dead),  Emeilion (Val's father)in a coma. Awful, awful business." Jorus hears a version of the events that drove Val into the rift for the first time. "It's not clear what happened to young Val, Valderon Vander-Dak'win, he might of died, he might be on the run, there where rumours he had become addicted to drugs, got indebted to the street gang that invaded the penthouse mansion and ended up causing his parents murder and attempted murder." The drink and tabac and the bad memories weaken Val's resolve and his disquise slips a fraction just for a moment, Picus might have noticed. Afterward Picus returns to his quarters to freshen up for landing. Val is unsettled by the bad memories. Jorus is the first member of the crew to hear about what happened to Val and why he teamed up with Aayla.

 On final approach, Picus goes to the cockpit and asks to send a holo. Aayla agrees and Picus sits down and sends a recorded holo. Aayla doesn't see what's sent.

 As the longhorn arrives at Dinoah, Val convinces Picus that the docking fees are part of his charter cost and Picus covers them.  The Longhorn is safely set down on a landing pad at Nessceen Qassabah.