Session 49

After a dramatic vertical chase to the edge of space the Preponderant Opal makes the jump to light speed and safety.


Dr Harik and Dr Vulen set about freeing the rescued captives from their carbonite slabs. The manage to successfully free the 12 victims with no ill effects from Carbonite


Amoungst the freed captives the find:

  • Isabeau Landor a obsequious Pantoran

  • Nalia'Elesta  an athletic Twi'lek who has been marked with nonsensical Marauder tattoos and had her teeth filled to present as a Marauder to Kazimir.

  • Katerlin Gerusco, later identified as Intrepid Angel of New Republic intelligence.

  • Sarria Kelrune an aspiring  Theelin musician

  • Trinna Kazimir-Caalagene, Herve's young bride from the board seat holding Pacaunt-Surin family. Val knows she is supposed to have died in a tragic shuttle accident having run away with a young lover, bringing scandal to the Pacaunt-Surin family.


Val spends some time  talking to Trinna who ends up supporting the other victims and ends up leading a kind of therapy circle whilst the ship is underway.


The Crew learn more about Intrepid Angel who prior to her capture had found tantalising leads that suggested that a cabal of senior figures with ties to RiftCo where conspiring together, possibly to seize control of the company from CEO Grajay Shellav.  Though she had not yet uncovered Information about the names of the conspiracy members she did manage to acquire a dead drop encrypted messages and in doing so she was able to uncover a secret meeting of the Cabal in Chibavaa City. Concerned that an Imperial remnant might be manipulating the conspiracy she attempted to sneak into the meeting place. She was caught and captured. She described the meeting place as cold and a cave below ground. Once captured , she was tortured and her allegiance to the New Republic identified. During her interrogation she was drugged and held in a darkened room. Along with the interrogation droid strange figures in robes questioned her. They wore opaque masks of onyx shard glass. After her interrogation she remembers brief flashes of being transferred, possibly in a private shuttle what must have been the Kazimir estate.  She remembers being strapped to the carbonite freezing device. The next thing she remembers is being woken up. When told about the Vorban Rings her theory is that she's been handed off to this Kazimir to hide her, the conspiracy obviously wanted her out of the way but didn't want the mess of disposing of a new republic agent. Lastly she relates that at the meeting They gathered to hear the words of a strange sentient not of any race she had seen before, a tall thin figure who towered over the rest, perhaps 7-8ft tall clad in black robes with a red cloak. It was not well lit in the meeting place but even from her restricted vantage point she thinks it had a kind of a blank face and textured skin with black eyes of intense intelligence and darkness. It didn't really speak expect in a low hissing song that was translated by a vocabulator. But it's presence was unmistakable like a nail in the back of your mind. They called it  the "Primogeniture".


The Crew speculate on what this means, if the meeting place is an Umbrance on Chibavaa, its is even suggested the tall figure might be the Crimson Spear but Lorne is unable to make this make sense and later side-lines the idea. Jorus suggests the tall alien might be an actual Bequether, or at least someone or something pretending to be one. There is some suggestion that it might be another faction worshiping the Bequthers in another way.


Epilogue Rolls:

Val & Aayla: Refit the Preponderant Opal to work as a cargo and defence ship for the settlement. Aayla trains a couple of the locals as pilots

Lorne: Is dropped off in Dinoah and makes his way deep into the Jungle to return the Shard Glass weapons from Kazimir's estate to people who can put them to better use. Usana Banchar is glad to see him and the two spar. Lorne and Usana place the ossuary recovered from Kazimir's estate in the umbrance there.

Jorus: Helps Dr Harik set up a clinic with the medical supplies from Kazimir's estate at Tann, brining a local doctor to the settlement for the first time.


Significant Milestone awarded.

The PCs arrive at Typhon station to meet with Ganion Gunrun, they make contact with Che'riss G'isk and Intrepid Angel and her seem to get along after an exchange of odd phrases. One might almost think Che'riss knows more than they are letting on. Che'riss will see to it that Intrepid Angel gets safely off the station. They also meet with the Crew of Lavish Rouncy as Jared is happy to take Trinna Kazimir-Caalagene back to Chibavaa for a nice fat reward. 


The PCs meeting with Ganio Gunrun, Che'riss G'isk, Dr Aria Mentzer and Aeon Dymax who explain that Lorne's strange star map vision lines up with mysterious Inheritor artifact called the Shard of Kelentar. Dr Aria Mentzer believes with the crews help she can follow the map to make peaceful contact with the Inheritor peoples.

Session 48

Deep within the estate the Crew of the Longhorn, Corr and Sharj find the vault

Obsidian coloured high density quandrium alloy door with geometric design carved into it.

Press like table with tubes and pipes that is the Carbonite freezing apparatus which link to the pressurised carbonite stored in tanks above the room.

Aayla asses the code cylinder lock on the vault door, with some insight from Jorus who once had to treat a compromised shady character who was locked in his own dungeon they figure it needs two code cylinder to be used in the correct sequence. There may also be counter measures in the lock that would set of poison gas in the ante chamber.

Lorne waits outside.

Val comms the security guards and tells them to route all communication to the ante chamber should any comms com in,

Later comms come in and Val is threated by a very confused Hervé Kazimir-Kalagene who is talking to himself. Concerned that Hervé's next step would be to contact someone on Chibavaa to come to the estate he puts the guards on alert telling them to defend the landing pad and that the attackers may desiquise themselves as law enforcement. All 12 remaning estate security are deployed and a tripod blaster is deployed to cover the smaller landing bay, the large hanger is locked down and lastly Val learns there is concealed concussion missle turret on the islet the building is attached too.


Jorus and Aalya and Corr work on the Vault Door, Sharj, Lorne and Val go to Hervé;s private quarters, a whole floor of the dome near it's upper levels with a transparent roof doom and panoramic views. It is adorned with gaunche statues and art. Searching the room they find displays of martial weapons including a force pike, a locked cabinet with ornate blasters including long barrelled rifles and an ornately decorated   Nubian ELG-3A Royal. In an area of the chamber with a massive ornate wooden desk made of the polished latitudinal cut segment of some kind of tree and with gold seats on either side Val and Lorne and Sharj find a shinny silver metallic statute of a naked Twi'lek dancer in an implausible position. Touching various points of the statue causes a warm prickling sensation in the finger that touches the statue. Lorne finds a small seem that suggest an opening on the base of the 2ft statue. Unsure what to do with it they take it back to the vault.


There is a call form Riftco security which Val answers, it is a Riftco patrol on route to the estate. Val plays the part of Hervé and sends them to talk to someone he name drops from high in RiftCo security. 


Sharj works out the mystery of the strange statue from Kazimir's private quarters, the Twi'lek must be touched in certain places in a certain order in line with Heré's favourtie massage, which Sharj happens to know. In the pedestal of the statue are two code cylinders, a spare set it seems.


Aayla with Jorus's help and the code cylinders opens the vault door, the 4m black quandraium door rising towards the system silently bar a hiss from the pressure sealed room.


Inside the circular vault 12 carbonite frozen forms are suspended in replusor fields hanging in the air in an eerie circle. All are beautiful women. Lorne recognises one as a Marauder from their tatoos. Non look like they where frozen willingly.


There is another inbound comm from RiftCo this time it is Lord Commander Reymont Anterá, he knows Val is a fraud, it is clear that he is also a member of the Vorabn Rings. Anterá advises Val that he "should have picked his enemies more carefully" and disconnects the call.


Jorus reflects that they longer Kazimir's victims have been frozen the more likely they are to be affected by complications from hibernation sickness


The crew quickly push the carbonite frozen victims back to the longhorn once aboard Val orders the hanger open and Aalya takes the Preponderant opal out with Val in the co-pilots seat. They lament their missing overcharged engines.


As the Preponderant opal leaves the estate a RiftCo Excise cruiser closes on its position; Can the Opal get away?

Session 47

The Crew of the Longhorn defeats the Preponderant Opal and it's escort fighters in a dog fight through the Clouds of Zan'tor. The two EX-12 fighters are destroyed and the Preponderant Opal's engines are badly damaged and Catch fire. A small parasitic shuttle flees the Opal as it loses altitude, presumably Hervé Kazimir-Caalagene (and later they will learn likely also his head of security) are aboard and they flee to the planet below.


The Preponderant Opal's engines are badly damaged and the ship is slowly losing altitude the pilot is clearly struggling to keep it stable. Taking the initiative the Crew decide to board the ship and take it for themselves so they can use it to free the people Kazimir keeps stored in, frozen, in his Vault. Corr Harik, having been told why they want they ship enthusiastically goes along as he may know some of the security on the ship and can might be able to help talk them down. Val, Lorne, Aayla and Dr Harik board the Preponderant Opal leaving Jorus on the Longhorn and LH-0 flying the ship. Jorus stabilises the Preponderant Opal with the Longhorn's tractor beam. The boarding party bust open open a hatch on the outside of the ship, and make there way into a lavish lounge, there entry is not stealthy and they come face to face with a dozen members of Kazimir's security. Val talks them down, explaining that they are there to stabalise the ship, if they don't let them the ship will crash and they will all die. The security stand down. The Longhorn crew set about fixing the engines and put out the fire. Porro, The Opal's male Twi'lek pilot gives the code cylinders for the ships operation to Aayla and provides a brief rundown of the ships systems. The Crew drop the estate security and the pilot on the surface of Zan'tor with light, food and water so they can get to Zan'tor city. Myn and Gil the two indentured servants aboard are set free and get to go with the Longhorn Crew, Gil the ships bartender is fixed a drink by Val as they take a moment to reflect on their dramatic antics over the last few hours with a good drink in the Preponderant Opal's luxurious bar.


The Longhorn and the Opal fly to the Dinoahan system and hide the Longhorn in deep space. The crew boards the Opal and heads to Chibavaa. The Opal enters Chibavaa and is not harassed by Riftco security. Val, supported by some research by Jorus in digging up some holos of Kazimir, Val uses the resources to put on a convincing impression of Kazimir. Aayla follows the automated docking cycle and lands the Opal in the Estates hanger. Lorne, Jorus and Aayla put on Estate security uniforms and escourting Sharj and Dr Harik as if they are prisoners enter the estate. They are greeted by a security guard that Val questions learning there are six other guards on duty and the shift change is due to happen in three hours. Dr Harik shares that the vault with the carbonite trophies in it is almost impossible to access without Kazimir's codes. The crew are unconcerned. He also confirms that the carbonite freezing equipment is in an antechamber before the vault that Corr has only accessed once, when he froze Sharj. Disguised the crew walk deeper in the estate. 

Session 46

As the crew decide what to do next Val overshears Sharj tell Corr that she won't go back. It sounds very final to Val.


Deciding that they have no intention of leaving Kass Harrick with the medicines his brother liberated from Hervé Kasimir-Caalagene Aayla takes the Longhorn back to Kass's club. Whilst Aayla holds the longhorn in position Jorus uses the tractor beam to pull the roof off of the three story building with deft skill, The roof is lifted in one chuck ripped free from the ferrocrete. Using a rigged cable installed by Aayla earlier Lorne jumps out the cargo hold into the hole created by the tractor beam, before he jumps he also shoves out two of the repulsor sleds Corr brought with him, Aayla has also rigged these to give a burst of height from their repulsors before they burn out, so they can get back to the ship. Just before he jumps Corr and Sharj have made there way to the cargo bay and are about to talk to Lorne only to have him lower the  ramp and jump out in front of them.


With the top floor of the club exposed (a storage space on the third floor) Lorne lands right next to the stored medical supply crates, there is a very surprised inventory droid who raises it's arms and exclaims surprise in a posh voice. With the roof ripped off Lorne also spots a Gamorrean, one of Kass's men who has been caught short in the now roofless refresher. Lorne shots the door panel to seal the door but the Gamorrean begins to clumsily climb out. Lorne hears people running up the stair well and also spots a cargo lift. That leads to the lower levels. He begins loading the first sled. The first of Kass's men to arrive is

Rask Zhoegh the Beefy Gran Enforcer, Jorus tries to intimidate him with the ships PA but he doesn't seem to hear it or if he does he ignore it. Rask rushes over to stop Lorne but Lorne trips him up sending him sprawling on the floor. Lorne finishes loading the first sled, activates the overloaded sled which shoots up into the air. Ready and waiting Aayla reverses the Longhorn deftly to catch the sled in the cargo bay. Val who has made his was to the cargo bay ramp and is providing covering fire steps aside, his cloak billowing in the updraft from the ship as the sled slams into the cargo bay floor and skids to the back of the bay. Corr and Sharj also get out of the way.


The Gamorrean climbs out of the refresher and the Lorne can hear others rushing up the stairs to the roofless store room. Concerned he will be overwhelmed he encourages Val to join him and load the second sled. Corr volunteers to take Val's place at the cargo bay door and Val throws him his blaster and then jumps out of the longhorn an another rigged cable. Deciding that he won't be much use with the physical labour he intimidate the Gamorrean into loading the crates instead. As other muscle begins arrives at the top of the stairs Jorus uses subtle adjustments to the tractor beam to position the roof in front of the stairway exit blocking anyone else from getting to Lorne. Kass's men begin to push through but Lorne and Val have loaded the last sled and trigger it, it springs into the air with them gripping on tight, as the sled reaches the zenith of it's trajectory Aayla once again manoeuvrers the Longhorn back to catch it in the cargo bay, the sled slides in and the two crew men, suspended by the cables step onto the deck. The Cargo bay is closed and Jorus adroitly places the roof back where it came from, it sags in the middle but is otherwise back where it should be. Aayla puts the longhorn in to a climb and heads for space.


Lorne asks Cass what he wanted to discuss. Cass and Sharj are pretty much speechless from the crews daring escapades but once they get a grip and they begin to tell Val and Lorne that they thank them for what they've done for them but that they will part ways with the crew rather than put them in more danger. Lorne and Val ask them how they hope to survive but they don't really have an answer, as they four of them make their way to the mess and the nearby cockpit, The conversation is interrupted by blaster fire rippling off the shields.


As the Longhorn passes through the thick mustard coloured cloud layer above Zan'tor city the cockpit streaked with polluted rain Aayla and jorus see two fighters that look like knock-off tie fighters speed past the long horn from behind, they start turning for another pass. On the holo the Longhorn receives a transmission from Hervé Kazimir-Caalagene, he demands the return of his property, he's not interested in Corr and Sharj's 'accomplices' but he demands Corr and Sharj. Aayla, not prepared to negotiate begins manoeuvring for battle. Aayla asks Hervé which fighter he is on. Corr says he won't be on either, he has a private yacht and as he does so The Preponderant Opal emerges from the clouds directly in front of the Longhorn and opens fire. The Longhorn's shields go down to a burst of ion cannon fire. Aayla begins throwing wild manoeuvres to avoid the danger and Jorus manages to get some power back to the shields. Lorne rushes to the Ion cannon turret. Val heats up the forward blaster cannons and forces The Preponderant Opal to take evasive action.

Session 45

Corr and Sharj' are given quarters and retire to rekindle their love. The crew spend some time discussing plans but ultimately decide to head to Zan'tor.


The Longhorn arrives at Zan'tor City, Looking at the state of the space port and Aayla puts the ship down at a private landing site, little more than a vacant lot. Stannor Renda who runs the dock promises to look after the ship after Val makes a good impression. He has a Weequey guard the ship he also  gives them some tips on the local weather (acid rain, wear a poncho) and the local wildlife, Zan'tor Vultures, opportunist carnivorous predetors that prey on people in the dark. Val buys 5 rebreathers and  5 rubber ponchos from a street vender. Corr must go without. They also notice a musty yellow dust that gets on their clothes and skin.


The crew go with Corr and Sharj to his brothers Working Men's Club in side the see an octagonal fighting ring with a punch up going on keeping the clientele entertained. Val gets a meeting with Corr's brother Kass. Val picks up on some tension from Kass towards Corr but Corr seems oblivious. Kass ask's Core to get the medicine and meet them at a location. He agrees to send one his men a beefy Gran enforcer called Rask Zhoegh in a speeder truck. The crew go with Rask, load up the truck and he drives them and the medical supplies to the meeting place, a loading dock in an abandoned part of the city with no lights.


At the loading dock a tense exchange between Kass and Corr follows. Kass is revealed to be a member of the Vorban rings with no intention of helping his brother. He reveals to Val that he has sold them out to the Rings, the crew having stolen from another Ring member. Corr is distraught his escape plan in tatters. Kass offers to let Corr and Sharj go unharmed and the crew can leave as well. Lorne intimidates Kass, at least a little and he takes a create of the medical supplies with him. Korr gives Lorne him a smirking smile and an insincere salute as the Crew leave heading out in to the dark part of the city.


Protected by Aayla's light form her tool kit from the Zan'tor Vultures The Crew wait in another storage building nearby to await the arrival of L0-H and the Longhorn. In the mean time they see the Speeder van leave presumably with Kass's men and the medicines. It takes the ship longer than the crew would iike to track down Aayla's makeshift beckon-caller and land safely. Lorne put his single crate on board. Whilst they wait Sharj cheers up Corr by encouraging him to live in the moment and to enjoy the time they can spend together now. She is happy to just be free and be with him.

Session 44

Pushing the repulsor sleds stacked with medical supply crates, Val, Jorus and Corr return with haste to Aayla. On the way Corr nearly runs over a domed cleaning droid with his sled.


Meanwhile back at the "Marauder cultural display" Aayla deftly disables the security with the right tools from her belt and a little birghtgum to connect the contacts. She takes down the security sensors on the whole exhibit. When Corr and the rest of the crew arrive the Longhorn crew quickly stack the Inheritor artifacts on the crates and then move as fast as they can to the landing pad. They make it, with it only a few minutes to midnight, Corr's deadline for them to leave.


Choosing to keep a low profile Aayla pilots the Longhorn out the same way as they came in, through the winding flight path between the islands and out of private air space. Then she begins to climb to orbit careful not to do anything that might attract undue attention.


The medical cargo is secured in the hold, Jorus and Val note that Corr checks the cargo on his sled again, the one with the largest crate. The repulsor sleds are deactivated. The Shardglass weapons are placed the smuggling compartment in the hold and Lorne takes the Ossuary to his  quarters.


As they break Orbit the Longhorn is contacted by the same RiftCo Custom & Excise Patrol cruiser as earlier, complaining they still don't have the right permits and they are not on the way to a RiftCo facility. Val buys Aayla with a back and forth with the RiftCo pilot. Lorne sees the cruiser closing on them fast, with it's little cloud of Droid fighters deployed from his view in the Ion turret. Aayla flies casua and the Longhorn is able to reach it's jump point before it is intercepted. The Longhorn gets away clean. Much to the relief of a nervous Corr.


The crew become more suspicious of Corr, whilst Val distracts Corr in the mess with his social skills Aayla and Jorus head to the cargo hold. Talking to Corr Val learns that:

  • Getting the medicines  to Zan'tor is very important to Corr. His family comes from Zan'tor and the medicines could really help them and the people on Zan'tor. Although Val thinks this is true he also picks up that Val may have another motivation that he is not sharing.

  • Corr was educated on Buallaba and then went on to studied out of sector at the Bellorin Medical Academy on a scholarship, but his is originally from Zan'tor. 

  • Val suspects Corr's posh accent is likely a learned affectation to cover his poor origins.


Aayla and Jorus beginning removing the crates from the sled with the largest crate on it. When they reach the large crate they open it only to find a carbonite block with the closed eyed figure of a Twi'lek embeded in it. She lays flat her arms down by her side. From her body language Jorus observes that he actually looks pretty serene for someone frozen in Carbonite and his concludes that perhaps Corr drugged her before freezing her.


Aayla, unimpressed with this surprise cargo stars the dethawing process.


The noise in the cargo bay is heard in the Mess and Corr comes to investigate, Val goes after him and they both pass Lorne's quarters where he has been studying the Ossury. Lorne follows them to find out what is going on.


In the hold Corr sees the thawing carbonite and grabs a blaster pistol from another crate. Lorne smacks it out of his hand and puts him into a hold.


The Twilek comes round, there is commotion as Aayla and the others demand answers.

Corr begs to treat the Twi'lek and make sure she is ok. Jorus is confident his administrations is genuine. Corr explains that the Twi'lek is an indentured servant belonging to his former employer. The Crew ease of a bit and after the Twi'lek hugs Corr and it becomes clear the two are clearly friendly with each other the crew and their passengers all make their way to the mess. Where Corr tells them everything:

  • The Twi'lek's name is Sharj Hatti.

  • Sharj is an indentured servant. - essentially a slave collected by Hervé kazimir-Caalagene (Corr's employer) for her dancing skills, she is his unwilling entertainer and play thing.

  • Corr and Sharj confess they are in love

  • Corr and Sharj know that Kasimir plays both sides of the law; As well as his RiftCo connections he also works with a criminal group,

  • Corr knows there secret greeting, a circle with an Aurubesh V. He tried this when he met the PCs.

  • Jorus recognises this as the greeting of a mysterious criminal group know as the Vorban Rings.

  • Corr has put together this plan over the last six months. Their Plan is to get to Zan'tor City. Corr has contacted his younger brother there. They will go to see his aged mother and introduce his new bride.

  • When he was formulating the plan to get Sharj out he contacted his brother for help.

  • Corr hasn't seen his brother or his mother since he won a scholarship for offworld education aged 10. He continued to win scholarships and he never went back, until now. He only reached out to his brother recently as he had no where else to turn.

  • He understands his brother has made something of him self and runs a local business on Zan'tor.

  • His brother has managed to get them forged passes to leave the shattered rift.

  • The Medicines are to be exchanged for the Forgeries, Corr's brother has told him he has arranged for them to go to those in need in return a contact of his brother's a retired forger he knows is marking the passes.

  • One they have passes, one for Corr and one for cargo (for a frozen Sharj. That's now useless though as she is unfrozen and Corr and Sharj don't think they can get Sharj through Terminus jump point as a passanger, she'll be arrested and returned to Hervé kazimir-Caalagene .

  • They had planned to return to Buallaba and get a civillian transport under the false documents and leave the Rift. This plan is now in jeperdy as Sharj is unfrozen.

  • Corr also tells them that Hervé kazimir-Caalagene has had many playthings, that was Corr's job to keep them and Hervé kazimir-Caalagene healthy, that's why there was all the medical equipment.

  • Corr tells the crew there In a secret area of the mansion there is circular room where a dozen other playthings that Hervé kazimir-Caalagene has got bored of have been frozen in carbonite and hung on display he didn't want Sharj to suffer the same fate to become some old mans sick art display for all time.


The Crew, much to the relief of the couple agree to help them.


Val, Jorus, Aayla and Lorne discuss a desire to return to the mansion and rescue the frozen prisoners. Lorne stats clearly his desire to kill this Hervé kazimir-Caalagene.

Session 43

Jorus agrees to a mercy mission for Dr Corr Harrik, a young doctor who has expensive medicines he wants to urgently get to Zan'tor. During the meeting he draws a circle of beer on the table waiting to see how Jorus reacts. Jorus thinks it a little odd but doesn't  think much of it. Jorus agrees to the mission and Corr gives him a code cylinder with landing codes and precises co-ordinates and a time to be at that location. He goes and tells the others.


Whist Aayla does her best to lay a good cover for the ship (tweaking the transponder, dampening any unwanted signals etc) for when they head into Chibavaa space, he is encouraged by Val who doesn't actually do any work him self but is very supportive. Lorne practices with his spear, having given his shield away in a noble gesture.


Captain Heb We'ze comes to inspect the ship with his S8 Series Security droids. He is shown around by Val. The Crew are fined for not having a valid licence for the mining M27 mining droids but Val does a good job distracting the RiftCo security captain from any thing mor damaging.


The crew head to Chibava in time to make the appointed rendezvous. Lorne gets to see the home of his enemy for the first time, it is not the horrid cesspit he expected. The see several type four container transports shipping goods out of Rift along with myriad other commercial and civilian traffic. The see the vast orbital space stantion Terminus Jumpoint. Lorne openly contemplates the idea of destroying it and freeing the rift.


On approach to the surface Of Chibavaa the crew are contacted by a RiftCo Custom & Excise Patrol cruiser and after a back on forth with Val the ship, under the GX-1 transponder if fined for lacking several necessary permits. Sharing the landing Codes given by Corr also helps get them past as they are apparently on the way to see a VIP. The Longhorn goes on it's way but there are now outstanding fines on the GX-1 transponder. The are advised not to approach Chibavaa during the celebrations, Val asks what Celebrations and is told it is Carnival Week, he had completely overlooked that having been away from home for so long. 


The Longhorn continues to the landing co-ordinates and is pinged for entering private air space. After transmitting the codes given by Corr they follow a narrow permitted approach route to an island where a golden sandy beach backed by palm trees meet a tranquil ocean. High on a rocky cape an exceptional circular building lit with tasteful night lights, dramatically juts out over the sea. Aayla manoeuvres the Longhorn over the luxurious building to a circular landing pad on the other side of the cape which clings to the rock face at perpendicular angle. She notices a second smaller pad perhaps for an airspeeder or shuttle is set a little further along the cliff. It is currently empty.  The lights on the building and landing pad a are dim. The crew leave the ship and begin to wonder if they are in the wrong place. At 11:30 local time an entrance door opens in the cliff face near the main hanger door (that remains closed), Corr comes out and meets the Crew. He asks them to follow him and leads them deep in to the opulent building.


The inside of the building clearly set out over several floors is on a radial pattern with circular corridors joining the spokes together, the layout of the building is not regular not all corridors intersect and where larger rooms or open spaces are located you can not always take the most direct route. The most striking corridors are the ones on the outer edge of the building that offer majestic views of the starlit beaches, dramatic islets and the rolling waves far below. Expensive sculptures and art in all sizes addorns both. The collector appears to appreciate both tasteful struggle and the naked form of many races. Though humans and near-humans seem most popular, Twi'leks seem to be a particular fancy.


Val asks who owns the building and Corr explains that

  • It is his place of work. Corr has decided that I need a new challenge. These medicines and equipment will be coming with me, as they belong to him. Now that he is relocating.

  • He says his boss, one Hervé Kazimir-Caalagene is currently away (at the Carnival Week parties in Chibivaa City). Most of the security are either with him or have been given the night off. I felt it was best to leave when it was quiet, Jorus believes he is telling the truth about this.


As they get closer to their destination they enter a a curved corridor gallery of collected Marauder artifacts, ossuary containing marked Inheritor skull and bones (that should have been left at it's resting place), dozens of shard glass daggers, javelins and spears arranged in wall mounted displays. Lorne is mortified. He immediately begins to set about taking back what ever he can. Corr panickily tells him he will set off alarms and bring the Estates private security to investigate. Lorne does not care. After Corr apeals to jorus that they will miss their window to get the drugs (Corr says they have 15 minutes) Aayla will stay behind to try and deactivate the alarms and Lorne. The other will go with Corr and as they will come back this way they can use the sleds to collect more artifacts, or, at least that's what Lorne thinks. Lorne remarks Aayla is his only true friend.


Val, Lorn, Jorus and Corr arrive at the Doctors 'office', a large lushly appointed space with a consultation area, a treatment area and even a private surgery, there are expensive medical devices and scanners that would not seem out of place in a large hospital. No expense has been spared. From there they need to take the four repulsor sleds carrying the medicine to the ship. The creates vary in size and shape the largest being two meters long, about 50cm in height and about a meter across. The other crates share at least one dimension but are otherwise smaller. Corr immediately grabs one of them (the one with the largest crate on it) "Swiftly now" he says beginning to push the repulsor sled.