After a dramatic vertical chase to the edge of space the Preponderant Opal makes the jump to light speed and safety.
Dr Harik and Dr Vulen set about freeing the rescued captives from their carbonite slabs. The manage to successfully free the 12 victims with no ill effects from Carbonite
Amoungst the freed captives the find:
Isabeau Landor a obsequious Pantoran
Nalia'Elesta an athletic Twi'lek who has been marked with nonsensical Marauder tattoos and had her teeth filled to present as a Marauder to Kazimir.
Katerlin Gerusco, later identified as Intrepid Angel of New Republic intelligence.
Sarria Kelrune an aspiring Theelin musician
Trinna Kazimir-Caalagene, Herve's young bride from the board seat holding Pacaunt-Surin family. Val knows she is supposed to have died in a tragic shuttle accident having run away with a young lover, bringing scandal to the Pacaunt-Surin family.
Val spends some time talking to Trinna who ends up supporting the other victims and ends up leading a kind of therapy circle whilst the ship is underway.
The Crew learn more about Intrepid Angel who prior to her capture had found tantalising leads that suggested that a cabal of senior figures with ties to RiftCo where conspiring together, possibly to seize control of the company from CEO Grajay Shellav. Though she had not yet uncovered Information about the names of the conspiracy members she did manage to acquire a dead drop encrypted messages and in doing so she was able to uncover a secret meeting of the Cabal in Chibavaa City. Concerned that an Imperial remnant might be manipulating the conspiracy she attempted to sneak into the meeting place. She was caught and captured. She described the meeting place as cold and a cave below ground. Once captured , she was tortured and her allegiance to the New Republic identified. During her interrogation she was drugged and held in a darkened room. Along with the interrogation droid strange figures in robes questioned her. They wore opaque masks of onyx shard glass. After her interrogation she remembers brief flashes of being transferred, possibly in a private shuttle what must have been the Kazimir estate. She remembers being strapped to the carbonite freezing device. The next thing she remembers is being woken up. When told about the Vorban Rings her theory is that she's been handed off to this Kazimir to hide her, the conspiracy obviously wanted her out of the way but didn't want the mess of disposing of a new republic agent. Lastly she relates that at the meeting They gathered to hear the words of a strange sentient not of any race she had seen before, a tall thin figure who towered over the rest, perhaps 7-8ft tall clad in black robes with a red cloak. It was not well lit in the meeting place but even from her restricted vantage point she thinks it had a kind of a blank face and textured skin with black eyes of intense intelligence and darkness. It didn't really speak expect in a low hissing song that was translated by a vocabulator. But it's presence was unmistakable like a nail in the back of your mind. They called it the "Primogeniture".
The Crew speculate on what this means, if the meeting place is an Umbrance on Chibavaa, its is even suggested the tall figure might be the Crimson Spear but Lorne is unable to make this make sense and later side-lines the idea. Jorus suggests the tall alien might be an actual Bequether, or at least someone or something pretending to be one. There is some suggestion that it might be another faction worshiping the Bequthers in another way.
Epilogue Rolls:
Val & Aayla: Refit the Preponderant Opal to work as a cargo and defence ship for the settlement. Aayla trains a couple of the locals as pilots
Lorne: Is dropped off in Dinoah and makes his way deep into the Jungle to return the Shard Glass weapons from Kazimir's estate to people who can put them to better use. Usana Banchar is glad to see him and the two spar. Lorne and Usana place the ossuary recovered from Kazimir's estate in the umbrance there.
Jorus: Helps Dr Harik set up a clinic with the medical supplies from Kazimir's estate at Tann, brining a local doctor to the settlement for the first time.
Significant Milestone awarded.
The PCs arrive at Typhon station to meet with Ganion Gunrun, they make contact with Che'riss G'isk and Intrepid Angel and her seem to get along after an exchange of odd phrases. One might almost think Che'riss knows more than they are letting on. Che'riss will see to it that Intrepid Angel gets safely off the station. They also meet with the Crew of Lavish Rouncy as Jared is happy to take Trinna Kazimir-Caalagene back to Chibavaa for a nice fat reward.
The PCs meeting with Ganio Gunrun, Che'riss G'isk, Dr Aria Mentzer and Aeon Dymax who explain that Lorne's strange star map vision lines up with mysterious Inheritor artifact called the Shard of Kelentar. Dr Aria Mentzer believes with the crews help she can follow the map to make peaceful contact with the Inheritor peoples.